Sunday 2 October 2011

The E-Book Diary (1)

The Manuscript

When you are contemplating putting your novel on Amazon Kindle as an e-book there are a great many stages that have to be completed. I will be writing up each stage as it happens to me personally, as no two people's experiences are the same. And also I am still unsure of exactly how the system works! There is a great deal of information supplied by Amazon and this can be found under 'Self-Publish With Us'. However, unless you are computer literate it can be confusing. This is why I am having technical help when I get to the formatting stage - there is no way that I could work my way through it on my own.

As an author the first and most important stage is the text. The main criticisms thrown at the e-book is the standard of editing can sometimes be very poor. The reputation of your book does not only lie with your excellent storyline and stunning prose - if you are 'new' to the publication game make sure that it's in perfect literary order.

So, for now I am reading through, editing, reading through, and editing, to try and make sure that all errors are corrected and my text is the best I can make it. Once this has been achieved I will be sending it to a fellow author for a cold read through. More to come.

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